Lucia - Brazil
/Hi Lida
Sorry for the delay, but I thought it is a huge responsability and didn't want write something inapropriate!
On that morning of Sept 11th I was doing my bank things, when I arrived home my mom asked me to see the television, she said "Something terrible is happening on USA, take a look, Is that place you stayed last may?" I looked at the TV and couldn't believe in my eyes, I saw WTC on fire, the report was saying that it was caused by 2 airplanes that crashed on the towers, I realized imediatelly that it was not an accident. I sat on the sofa and suddenly one of the towers collapsed, I put my hands on my face in horror, I was so chocked that I couldn't move a muscle, then the second Tower collapsed too and I began to cry, it was too much, I began to think about the people inside those towers.
I went to New York 3 times, I love New York, so I had several emotions running in my heart at the moment of the tragedy. I conected to the internet and checked Missy's list, I wanted to hear my friends there in USA, want to hear their voices, and I heard them. The days after the event left me without inspiration for working, it is difficult to make jokes when you are sad, and my work is writing comic book stories for children,I mentioned it to the list and then people there suggested me to do a cartoon about the tragedy. I accepted the suggestion, they were right, I need to put out all that was inside me so I made "Starry Night" .
I consider it the best Little Xena's Strip I ever made. I received many messages because that strip, and the strip went to several places and people, even to people who didn't know Xena. I felt like I did something good, that I had given my small contribution to heal the wounds of my friends!
I never heard about Bin Laden and the attack got me completly unprepared. After those events I think I feel less secure even being here in Brazil, terrorism doesn't know bounds and could be by my side any moment. Still I also feel more conected with my american friends, I shared their sorrow and cried with them!
(Brazil, 2001)
(if you want to see more of Lucia's artwork, check out her work on Mary D's site.)