9-11 Podcasts

The following are two podcasts put out in memory of 9-11 by Joe d'Eon who is a pilot who puts out a great podcast called "Fly With Me". Joe gave me permission to put these up here.


Special Edition - Joe's Thought's on September 11

9/11 Interview - A copilot gives a chilling account of what he saw


Radio Dispatches

Initially, I hosted these tapes. However, with a change in servers, I have decided to link to original source until I can purchase more server space.

The NYFD Dispatches:

The Fire Department of New York's radio dispatches from the morning and early afternoon of 9/11. For over three years, they fought in court to keep these recordings secret but were finally forced to release them in August 2005.

Raw audio:

If you would like to download them, the zip file can be located here: FDNY Dispatches for September 11


The New York Times

Fatal Confusion Page: This has some of the audio as well as the transcripts of the audio.

New York Times multimedia presentation with introductions: Multimedia Presentation